Australia is globally known for its dazzling bundle of flora and fauna. The reason is not surprising- Australia has an astounding biodiversity with some beautiful plants, animals, and trees the world has ever seen. Many types of trees surround the city. If you are planning to sow some plants, the Australian How To Improve The Gardens are probably the best choice for your yard.
Plants and trees are perfect for the environment and for us to keep ourselves close to nature and help nature passively. There are innumerable reasons to support your preference for growing different types of trees in and around your home. One such reason is sourcing the plants from nearby nurseries; you support the local community and help them grow their business. The trees won’t merely add a statement to the surrounding; they’ll create a habitat for many birds, insects, and mammals, providing shade and likely food for some animals and birds.
There are a variety of plants and trees available in Australia for you to choose from, such as fast-growing plants, trees that take time to grow, low-maintenance, fruit-bearing trees, and ones with flowers. To be precise, you’re spoilt with options that range from wattle trees and gum trees to lemon-scented ones. There are several types of evergreen trees list, which you can grow in all the seasons. Are you looking for information on which tree to grow in your beautiful garden? Here we go with detailed information on some of the best Australian types of trees in your garden.
Fast-Growing Australian Native Trees
Gum Trees (Eucalyptus)
Gum trees or Eucalyptus are actual Australian trees, home to koalas. Koalas eat and live on these types of trees. It has a unique fragrance you can smell from a distance. These types of trees benefit humans due to their disease-fighting properties and animals by providing food and shelter. Eucalyptus is known for its antibacterial, antifungal, and antioxidant properties.
It would be best to select a dwarf variety of lemon-scented gum trees for your garden, which has a minimum height of 7 meters and a maximum height of 30 meters that exhibits white flowers with pink stems during summer. Another gum tree you could think of is “Summer Red”, which grows to a maximum height of 6 meters and has impressive red flowers.
Gum trees are intolerant to frost when young and grow best in mild climates under the sun in well-draining soil. Remember that gum trees have a robust root system, so plant them away from underground pipes or structures close to the spread-out roots.
Grevillea Robusta
Grevillea is native trees of Australia that grow as shrubs, trees or ground cover without much doing. The flowers of Grevillea trees have dozens of flowers growing along the stem, which looks beautiful. The flowers grow around the year, even during winter. In autumn, bushes are entirely covered by stunning colours.
Three hundred forty different Grevillea species, ranging from small shrubs to more giant types of trees like silky oak and bottle brush, are available. It is one of the most popular trees for gardens and yards as it attracts birds. The locals even picked up flowers and harvested sweet nectar from them, but it is not advisable due to the possibility of the presence of cyanide in some Grevillea trees. Always choose a species that suits the local climate where you are staying and, of course, your preference.
A standard Grevillea tree demands to care for a minimum of 12 months. If you want to grow small plants, you should have Moonlight and honey gem in the yard with a single stem and trim low-growing branches. It has a low height of 3-8 meters and matures very fast. Just like gum trees,
Grevillea trees also require full sun and free-draining soil to grow. To avoid the decay of roots due to over-moisture, try growing it in a raised garden. During summers, trim it regularly to ensure it grows and regrows, but avoid cutting during autumn.
She-oak, or Allocasuarina, is a native tree suitable for large gardens as it reaches a height of 15 meters. While planting she-oak, avoid sandy soils as it attracts bug. Keep watering the seedlings regularly, though it becomes drought-tolerant once it matures.
Regular trimming is essential for its better growth. The best quality of Allocasuarina is that it gives back nitrogen to the soil and is tolerant to most the climate. The red flowers blossom during spring.
Flowering Native trees of Australia
Wattle (Acacia)
Wattle is the national flower of Australia. You can grow this iconic tree in your garden, which signals the start of spring. This tree can be seen beside the road and in the parks all around the city. Though it grows fast, it has a short life span of 7-12 years.
Plant the sapling in a maximum sunny area and free-draining soil. It’s a low-maintenance tree best suited for tropical climates. Wattle is not only a tree planted to add aesthetic to the garden; parts of it have medicinal values- wood is used for different purposes, and seeds of a few species are consumed.
Banksia Trees
Banksia is one of the most beautiful trees you can grow in your garden or yard. It is available from shrubs to a tall trees up to a height of 25 meters. It requires proper sunlight and well-drained soil, slightly acidic for adequate growth.The leaves are zig-zag, and the flowers are spiky, ranging from green, white, yellow and orange. Coast banksia and silver banksia are the most commonly grown ones that go up to a maximum height of 12 meters.
If you want a banksia around the poolside, plant a dwarf species of banksia. They thrive in a temperate and warm climate.
Native Fruit-bearing Trees
Plum Tree(Illawara)
If you live in an apartment with limited space, plant a fruit-bearing plum tree in a pot because when grown in an open area, it reaches up to 12-18 meters in height. To have plums, one male and one female plant is a must. Ideally, Illawarra grows in full sunlight and partial shade.
It is best grown in non-alkaline salt, though it grows in all soils with a proper drainage system. This is the best option for you if you stay along the coast because of its salt-resistant properties.
Tucker bush Cherry Trees.
A variety of Lilly Pilly is a fruit-bearing types of cherry trees with the texture of an apple with a bit of acidic sweetness. In the late spring to early summer, you will see a bunch of white flowers before they bear an apple-like fruit.
Though it grows well in rich soils, it can also grow in other types of soils. Plant it in an area with enough sunlight and enjoy the transition of the colour of its leaves from bronze to deep green as it matures. Trim the stems regularly for a bushy look for a more aesthetic appearance. It has another quality of psyllid resistance.
Native Screen Trees
Frangipani Tree
The tree with a pungent smell with yellow flowers is complex to source. Check with your local nursery for a smaller variety, as the tallest one goes up to 20 meters.
Like many other types of trees, Frangipani also needs full sunlight and grows in alkaline soil. Plant it at a place that is away from the possibility of strong wind because the branches are fragile.
Lilly Pilly
The dwarf variety of Lilly pilly can act as a natural fence around your home, with thick leaves acting as a screen and adding an ornamental element. It has the soothing smell of white flowers that turns into berries in the growing season.
The best screen tree is the weeping Lilly Pilly, which is more complicated than other varieties and resistant to drought and flood. The only care it requires is keeping an eye on psyllids.
Native Shade Trees
Lemon Fragrance Tree
The lemon fragrance tree is a beautiful tree with white flowers attracting butterflies-perfect for your garden to enliven the entire space. When the leaf is crushed or falls after the rain, it leaves a refreshing smell- a pleasure to the senses!
It grows in a warm climate, but if you are in a hot and dry region, you may develop it in the shade. To strengthen the roots, spread compost around the base. Never miss trimming the lower branches.
Blueberry Trees
It’s a rainforest species flowering in spring and summer, becoming blueberries that last throughout the winter. For birds, it’s lunchtime every day on your tree. Be ready to welcome sweet chirping birds in the garden! The usual height range is between 3-15 meters. It’s flexible in soil conditions- in moist ground and sandy and coastal soil. It can’t withhold cold.
Willow Myrtle Tree
The Willow tree is also a great shade tree that grows to a height of 8 metres. It grows slowly, giving white flowers from spring to summer, and adequately in moist and well-drained soil in both dry and coastal regions. If you want one in the yard, sow a seed, not a cutting, as it grows well with roots. To maintain its shape, trim it at least twice a year.
Apart from the above classifications of trees, there are a few other trees that you can consider.
Bottlebrush is a famous tree known for its eye-catching red flowers resembling a brush. The flowers are not only attractive but also have some fantastic properties like antibacterial, antifungal and antioxidant.
Paperbark is one of the favourite trees due to its soft and smooth paper-like appearance. It was used for roofing and shelter by Aboriginal people..
Kangaroo Paw
It is a unique Australian plant that got its name due to the similarity of its flowers with the Kangaroo’s paw. They are usually red, but their wild variety also has green, pink, yellow and black colours. They are an excellent food source for many native birds, insects and mammals due to the high quantity of nectar. Those living in an apartment will be delighted to know that you can plant Kangaroo paws in a small pot near a bright and sunny place.
You may like to plant a tree of your choice in your yard, but all trees grow and survive in different conditions. Some grow in a temperate climate, and others grow in cold weather; a few give fruit, while others have beautiful flowers. You need to pen down the types of trees you want in the garden, the size of the space where you want to plant them, the climate, etc. Then shortlist trees and visit the nursery. I hope you got some insight from the article.
How Many Types Of Trees Are there?
There are other common types of trees available to choose from in Australia. Which tree will suit your requirement depends on whether you live in an apartment or a villa, if you stay along the coast or far from it, if your yard is small or big, whether you prefer fruit-bearing plants or flower trees, and many similar other factors. The variety ranges from fast-growing trees, fruit-bearing trees, types of willow trees, different types of oak trees, flower-bearing trees, screen trees, native shade trees and pine trees. Each of these trees is subdivided into a variety of trees like Wattle, Banksia trees, Eucalyptus, bluebell, kangaroo paw and others.
How Many Types Of Eucalyptus Trees Are There?
Eucalyptus trees, also known as Gum trees, are actual Australian trees. Eucalyptus trees are koala’s lifeline as they eat and live in them. It is also known for one its unique quality of fire adaptation. It pushes back once burnt. The abundance of stamens makes it a flowery, ornamental tree with a fragrance you can smell at a distance. It is widely spread across the globe due to its outstanding qualities. It is helpful to humans due to its disease-fighting properties and to animals as it provides shelter and food.
There are a variety of eucalyptus trees you can choose from the list mentioned below:
- Southern blue gum
- Cider gum
- Snow gum
- Silver dollar gum
- Red gum
- White peppermint
- Spider gum
- Blue leaf Mallee
- Mountain gum
- Rainbow gum
- Spinning gum
- Candlebark
- Brown mallet
- Willow leafed peppermint
Each of these has its qualities. Which one suits you depends on the size of the garden or yard, if you are staying along the coastal side and many similar factors. Apart from the types listed, there are other types of common trees options in Australia.
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