Home Decor Write for Us is Now Open for All Bloggers

Hello everyone, if you love writing content and looking for a write for us column on an informative page, then you’ve landed on the right website. We, as a team, welcome you and are thankful for your interest in contributing content for Multi Dwell. If you have creativity and can provide innovative, creative, and quality content related to house decor. You can send articles for write for us blogs pertaining to interior designing. This way, we can provide a variety of content, including almost everyone’s preferences, tastes, and queries.

Email Us: teammultidwell@gmail.com

Your article will be available for millions of people- offer them the required knowledge, and based on SEO, and writers will also receive other benefits.

Our company has some guidelines which we request the writers to follow. We receive a pretty good amount of e-mails from different writers, but we can’t allow everyone to write for us because following the company’s guidelines is important. If we receive any article that challenges our guidelines, we won’t be able to post that article and will be rejected until it fits our guidelines.

Who Can Write for Us?

Multi Dwell’s niche is ‘HOME DECOR,’ so we would give preference to the writers who fall under the same niche. If you are new to writing, you can be a part of Multi Dwell write for us. If the article is good enough and you follow our guidelines, we would definitely consider that article. We might not be paying the new writers because they are new and not experienced enough, you won’t get money, but you would gain experience. We also don’t accept any kind of blogs or articles from our competitors. We help our readers in getting ideas for their home renovation process.

Why Should You Write for Us?

From our team’s and writer’s efforts, we have built an image for Multi Dwell. When it comes to decoration ideas, we provide quality content and work hard enough to match most of our reader’s expectations. As everyone has different preferences, we always try to cover everything we can. Via Multi Dwell writes for us; we help people with their queries and confusions regarding home decoration, garden, kitchen, appliances, bedroom, bathroom, furniture, etc.; our writers focus on SEO-friendly writing so our blog can reach as many people as possible. Our readers don’t belong from only one region, our reach is in many countries, and we provide fresh and unique content keeping this in mind.

Write for us won’t only help us in growing our business, but you can also help you grow as this will boost visitors to your website. Via backlinks, a blogger can also improve the SEO score for their website. Even if you’ve just started, providing appropriate content can have traffic on your page through backlinks.

If you choose writing for us, it will improve your writing skills and gain an audience for your page.

Helps You to Gain Followers on Social Media

If people like your writing style, they might want to get in touch with you or stay in touch with you; they can end up following you on your social media accounts.

Home decor write for us can lead you to gain a lot of audience in bulk because we post quality content on a daily basis and have a decent amount of visitors.

Topic Suggestions for Home Decor Write For Us

Though we already specified the type of content we need and the type of content we can accept. We work hard to maintain the quality of our site and expect the writers to do the same. Here is a list of topics on which we accept blog posts:

  • Write for Us Home Construction
  • Gardening Write for Us
  • Home Improvement Write for Us
  • Home Decor Write for Us
  • Home Renovation Write for Us
  • Real Estate Write for Us
  • Interior Design Write for Us
  • Construction Write for Us
  • DIY Write for Us
  • Furniture Write for Us
  • Plumbing Write for Us
  • Bathroom Write for Us
  • Caravan Blog Write for Us
  • Home Appliance Write for Us
  • Air Conditioning Write for Us

These are the topics we look for though you can also suggest your blog ideas because we welcome innovation and creativity. But the content shouldn’t be out-of-the-box type content.

Write For Us Guidelines

Home Decor Write for Us

  • The article should be crisp and clear and focused on a particular niche. For example, if the article is about the garden, it should define garden-related ideas only. We won’t be able to accept topics irrelevant to our websites.
  • The blog should provide information and knowledge to our readers, we won’t entertain any kind of self-promotion, neither it should be manipulative nor falsely informative.
  • There is a word limit we need bloggers to follow the minimum word limit should be 800 words, and the maximum is 2000 words. You should only write an article after proper research. We don’t want our readers to get the wrong information. We won’t entertain any kind of false information. Plagiarism should be less than 10%. If you use someone else’s source, don’t forget to mention the source website.
  • Images draw readers’ attention and make reading enjoyable. It should be high definition if you insert an image or video. And again, mention the site from where you picked up the image due to copyright issues.
  • If you want, you can insert one or more than one backlink, but the backlink should not redirect to our competitor’s site. However, if the backlink redirects to the writer’s page or the e-commerce site, we are okay with the backlink. Yet it is an SEO-friendly blog. Please mention the meta description. Use keywords appropriately if you want to gain traffic.

We look forward to you; please follow these guidelines respectfully.

Post Submission Guidelines

Formats: if the format is editable and suits your writing style, we will accept it.- PPT, Dropbox, Google Document, etc.

Submission: you can submit articles via E-Mail.

Proper format: the article should be well written with the heading, sub-heading, and bullet points, as these kinds of formats are easy to comprehend by the readers. Try using innovative ideas to gain more attention from the readers.

Editing Info: sometimes we edit your article – for grammatical mistakes, to change or correct format as per our readers, sometimes we need to edit headings and subtopics to make it more visitor friendly. We will do it from our end, so you don’t need to worry about extra efforts.

Self-Promo: you are allowed to promote your website or social media as a writer.

Article Submission

You can easily submit your article to our e-mail in the proper format. We will go through your article and will let you know if we accept it or if it violates our guidelines.

Kindly Write Us at: teammultidwell@gmail.com Along With the Content Attached in the Mentioned Format to Instantly Submit the Article. We Will Then Consider and Review Your Submission. Lastly, We Will Get Back to You as Soon as Possible.

You are free to offer that article to other websites if we reject it, or you can approach us again once you edit it to match Multi Dwell’s guidelines.

Final Statement

We are thankful to you for approaching us and looking forward to working with you. We will try to review your post as soon as possible. We respect your work, and our rejection won’t be an insult to your work. It’s just not okay for our website to post an article which doesn’t follow our guidelines.